Remerger° to RE:scale

Orchestrating a large scale project can prove to be as difficult as you want it to be.

What has been discovered is that such a task, if self learned, can be executed in a day, after working on that operation for many many years.

This all depends on the user and how much self generative data has been created over time; the more completely original data which is owned by the user, the faster the creation goes for this scale of a project.

As is the case of creating a use case: which is why the topic of this piece of literature, is the Remerger° & RE:scale pathways, which MNPG undertook, in varying degrees for about six years.

Not knowing where the end would be, meant that the process was purely inventive and it was the discovery which was involved that extended the duration of this procession; this also meant that the definitions at their core, would eventually be that much more engrained in the scientific aspect of the process and the real numbers and applied mathematical (read: fractalisation) approach, would be encompassing the due course which was run.

The interesting thing about a Remerger° is how accustomed business leaders are already to other merger and acquisition (M&A) processes. The difference is that for a Remerger°, think of the movement as far as intellectual propertisation as an accordion. Once one part of the Remerger° is complete, that same portion, either expands or contracts, and the optimization of the intellectual property of the related assets are provisioned over time. Then the new portfolio company owner (typically an asset), becomes the pinnacle of the related portfolio until, the Remerger° reworks itself, and the optimisable assets move about further, as far as organisation goes.

All in all, a Remerger° can take a day’s time after self learned; as for MNPG, this took a few years, because of how new this M&A executable was to the author, Ian Tyner.

After a Remerger° is complete, then the RE:scale provision can start, or continue to start, as usually the portfolio building enterprise begins with the RE:scale progression, of something. This is pretty straightforward as this just means to continue scaling, or creating additional value on top of additional value, so that the valuation increases with the upwards slope of its design.